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Vasyl Popadiuk & Igor Rudyi
Concert of two famous Ukrainian virtuoso musicians.
Vasyl Popadyuk is a Ukrainian violinist, who is called the "Ukrainian Paganini", pianist, founder of the band "PapaDuke", with whom he travels the world, playing music in the styles of world music, latino, gypsy, jazz. Can play 15 musical instruments.
At one time accompanied Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his wife as part of the cultural escort during a state visit to Spain, where he performed for Queen Sofia.
He performed in concert at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics, and in 2003 was a semi-finalist in the CBC's Grand Canadian Dream Music Competition.
Played for DEEP PURPLE's latest album.
Saxophone, Ihor Rudy - grand prix, prize of audience sympathy of international festivals "Music of the World" (2002, Italy), "Bridges of Love" (2004, Chicago, USA) and many others, has the unofficial title "Golden Saxophone of Ukraine".